12 Dec 2014 Extended First Round Submission deadline to 12 Jan 2015
The first round submission deadline is now extended to 12 Jan 2015.
The submitted materials can be always updated before the deadline, please take this opportunity to further work on the submission.
Please submit the following through the website :
1) Design Title
2) Type of Toy
3) Design Brief (English: less than 100 words ; Chinese: Less than 80 words)
4) Your Story (a file in doc, docx, ppt, pptx of no more than 2 MB) to illustrate the story behind the design and play value
5) **Optional** Video (a video in avi, wmv, asf, dat, mpg, mpeg, mp4, rm, rmvb, mov, flv, swf, 3gp or mkv of less than 1 min and no more than 25 MB) to explain your design concept
6) Concept Images (hand drawn or computer images(s) of proposed concept in jpg, jpeg, gif, png, tif of no more than 2MB)
Our judging panel consisting of more than 30 professionals in the design field will evaluate your design and selected entries will move into the final round.
Please do not put your personal identify (your name, school name or company name) in any of the files that are submitted.
We are really looking forward to your completed entry. Thank you!
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